Core features

Industrial wireless MESH network

TBL’s has continued to create greater value for enterprise with our leading XmarTech®MESH technology, and our powerful and intelligent industrial-grade IoT hardware.



Product information

The smart wireless Call Button router is able to access the wireless, industrial MESH network formed by the gateway equipment, providing solutions for clients’ various needs in the production line, such as job scheduling, quality calls, material calls, equipment calls, and emergency safety calls. When these calls are made, production line operators can send information to the server using the terminal, via the patented XmarTech wireless network. The dispatch system server processes and interfaces with other related processing systems (or personnel) to enable timely responses to problems.


Product advantages

  • CPU处理器High-speed Central Processing Unit (CPU) for rapid processing of logical operations and information transfers
  • 指示明确Clear indication lights reflect the job status for stable and secure operations
  • 防护等级Cast aluminum oxidized shell that is anti-corrosion and anti-static
  • 灵活配置Flexible configuration of system parameters; wireless updates can be downloaded

Application scenarios


Automated assembly line with highly customizable modes.


Flexible manufacturing systems and assembly operations.